Donghe Cold Pressed Black Sesame Oil 250ml
Donghe Cold Pressed Black Sesame Oil 250ml
百年老店東和製造的油皆遵循古法:烘培、篩選、粉碎,採用低溫、冷壓,再經恆溫靜置沈澱的好油 採用100%黑芝麻研製而成,無添加其他植物油,不添加防腐劑、化學香料 氣味清香,適涼拌、煎煮熱炒 油性溫和穩定.
Donghe Oil Factory takes pride in producing cold-pressed sesame oil with its traditional methods for over 100 years. The process starts with carefully selecting the freshest seeds and roasting them to perfection. The sesame is then crushed and cold-pressed under the most ideal conditions. The entire process is temperature-controlled and uses no other ingredients or additives. Made from 100% pure black sesame, Donghe black sesame oil is the #1 choice for the healthy you. Recommended by Executive Chef Wu Wen Zhi for the Taiwan President Tsai In Wen.
👉 來自嘉義朴子
From Chiayi, Puzi
👉 台灣國宴主廚指定用油 **
Selected for Presidental Banquets
👉 於106年度獲總統府頒發台灣十大老店
Winner Of 2017 President's Choice Top 10 Producer
👉 台灣百年老店
Over 100 Years Old
👉 100%上等精選台灣小農本地產黑芝麻
100% Taiwanese Local Grown Sesame Seeds
👉 傳統的柴燒冷壓初榨製油法
Traditional Wood Fire Low Heat Cold Pressed Methods
👉 無使用防腐劑、香料、化學添加物
No added preservatives, flavoring, or additives.
*貼心提醒:將產品放置於陰涼處。產品未添加防腐劑,開封後請儘早使用。*Friendly Reminder:Place sesame oil in shades and away from direct sunlight. No preservative is added in the process, please consume once opened.